Monday, March 12, 2018

Become the CEO of Your Own Brain (part-1)

How You Become the CEO of your own brain HI Guyz!How are you guyz??.......Today I have a strange topic for all of you....Can you control your brain??? This is a question comes in everyone mind.....Yes it is possible.......Today in a discussion with one of my colleague I come to know its possible and how is it possible....I will explain both scientifically and in religion it also happen in past.....As in past years of sufism when our great saints made some prediction about a person and that was totally I have a concept or a way how to become CEO of your own brain...So here it is: You may have tried to control your thoughts at one time or another. With the aid of self-help books, perhaps you really tried to “Be Positive” and “Show Negativity the Door.” And this may have even worked for a while. But sooner or later, you probably found yourself back at the starting point. I’m here to tell you that there is another way. And that is to become the CEO of your own mind – skillfully directing it to live in harmony with the other players of self - body and spirit.

Like all good leaders, you’re going to have to listen to your disgruntled employee, and acknowledge that you’re taking its message seriously. Minds, like people, can relax and let go when they feel heard and understood. Practice gratitude and thank your mind for its contribution. “Thank you, mind, for reminding me that if I don’t succeed in making more sales, I might get fired.”


You may not like what your mind does or the way it conducts itself. In fact, all that negativity can be downright irritating sometimes. But the fact is, you’re stuck with it and you can’t (or wouldn’t want to) just lobotomize it away. In the Book, The Happiness Trap (link is external), Dr Russ Harris uses the example of the Israelis and the Palestinians to illustrate your relationship with your mind’s negative thoughts. These two old enemies may not like each other’s way of life, but they’re stuck with each other. If they wage war on each other, the other side retaliates, and more people get hurt and buildings destroyed. Now they have a whole lot less energy to focus on building the health and happiness of their societies


You feel like your thoughts and feelings are YOU and so you accept them unconditionally as the truth without really looking at them. “I’m thinking I’m a failure and boring – gee, I must be a failure and boring. Well. Isn’t that nice? Now I feel really wonderful.”

In actuality, our thoughts are passing, mental events, influenced by our moods, states of hunger or tiredness, physical health, hormones, sex, the weather, what we watched on TV last night, what we ate for dinner, what we learned as kids, and so on. They are like mental habits. And, like any habits, they can be healthy or unhealthy, but they take time to change.

AS BUDDHA SAY! To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. As other three steps I will explain you Both scientifically and as well as in sufism in next blog!.....See you soon till next blog (Psychlogy Today)

1 comment:

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